Create a Clustered Data ONTAP Volume CIFS Share



This workflow will:

·             Provision a volume in a selected Storage Virtual Machine

·             Create a share for the newly created volume

·             Add applicable Access Control Lists for the share


Share Details Input parameters:

Many of the user inputs for the Share Details in this workflow are selected from what is available in your environment. 




1)       Cluster* (required): The Clustered ONTAP storage system that hosts the Storage Virtual Machine and the volume where you would like to create the new share.

The drop-down list identifies both the name of the Cluster and its Primary IP Address.



2)       Storage Virtual Machine (required): The Storage Virtual Machine that hosts the Share volume. 

The drop-down list identifies all of the Data Storage Virtual Machines in the selected Cluster.



3)       Storage Virtual Machine Details: Displays the relevant attributes of the Storage Virtual Machine. This just provides additional information of the Storage Virtual Machine chosen in the previous step:

·         State of the Storage Virtual Machine. Ensure that the state of the selected Storage Virtual Machine is 'running'.

·         Indicates whether CIFS is an allowed protocol on the Storage Virtual Machine. Ensure that it is allowed.

·         Indicates if CIFS service is up on the Storage Virtual Machine. Ensure that it is up.

4)       Share Name (required): The name of the CIFS share. A volume will be provisioned by the same name and mounted in the Storage Virtual Machine’s namespace at the root with mount path as /<volumename>.

5)       Extended Volume Style (required): The type of volume you want to create either FlexVol or FlexGroup.

6)       FlexGroup Details: You can only use the FlexGroup Details section when you select the extended volume style as FlexGroup.


·         List of Aggregate (Read only): Provides you the list of aggregates available to create a FlexGroup depending on the size of the FlexGroup to be created.

·         Aggregate List (required): You can use the aggregates to be included in the Aggregate List. Now the selection can be one or more aggregates where repetition of aggregate is allowed in the aggregate list.

·         Aggregate List Multiplier: Enables you to provide the number of constituent volumes to be created per aggregate for the FlexGroup.

7)       Size in GB* (required): The usable size you would like for the Share.  The volume size is automatically calculated within the workflow to accommodate for snapshot space.

8)       Share Comment (optional): A description for a CIFS share for CIFS clients to see when browsing the shares.

9)       Encrypt Volume (optional): Supports the Volume Granular Encryption functionality. It is unchecked by default. This functionality is only supported on FlexVol volumes. Selecting the Encrypt Volume checkbox will encrypt the volume.



Access Control Lists Input parameters:

The Access Control List user inputs identify the security permissions for the newly created Share.  It is not necessary to provide Access Control List inputs in order for the Share to be created. If not provided, then ACLs will not be configured on the CIFS share. They can be configured at a later point of time.



1)       Users with full control: Comma separated list of users or groups with full control permission on the CIFS share.

2)       Users who can change: Comma separated list of users or groups with change permission on the CIFS share.

3)       Users who can read: Comma separated list of users or groups with read permission on the CIFS share.

4)       Users with no access: Comma separated list of users or groups with no_access permission on the CIFS share.



The workflow will result in creating a new Clustered ONTAP CIFS Share based on the inputs provided and will be available to the users and groups specified.


Error Handling

1)       An error message is displayed if no aggregate within the selected Cluster is available to create the CIFS Share.

2)       The workflow can fail if the provided user is not part of the CIFS domain to which the Storage Virtual Machine belongs to. Ensure that the users listed in Access Control Lists are valid users in the CIFS domain.