Move a Clustered Data ONTAP Volume



This workflow allows you to identify a volume in a particular Storage Virtual Machine and Clustered Data ONTAP system to move to another location within the cluster based on your selection criteria. This workflow will also wait until the volume move operation has completed successfully.


If Selective LUN Map (SLM) is enabled on the Data ONTAP server and the volume you are moving includes LUNs, you must perform the following steps to ensure that you always have Active/Optimized LUN paths:

1.       Ensure that there is a LIF on the destination node and its HA partner node for mobility to succeed.

2.       In Data ONTAP, use the lun mapping add-reporting-nodes -destination -aggregate or the lun mapping add-reporting-nodes -destination -volume command to add the destination node and its partner node to the reporting-nodes list.

3.       Rescan the host to discover the newly added paths.

4.       Add the new paths to your MPIO configuration.

5.       Execute the workflow.

6.       Use the lun mapping remove-reporting-nodes-remote-nodes command to remove the previous LUN owner and its partner node from reporting-nodes.

7.       Remove stale device entries for the host OS.

8.       Rescan the host to verify removal of old paths.

Cluster to peer Input parameters:

The user inputs for this workflow are all selected from what is available in your environment. All user inputs are locked in drop-down lists, and all user inputs are required.


1)      Cluster (required)*: The Clustered Data ONTAP storage system that hosts the Storage Virtual Machine and Volume you would like to move

The drop-down list identifies both the name of the Cluster and its Primary IP Address.

2)      Storage Virtual Machine: The Storage Virtual Machine that hosts the volume to move

The drop-down list identifies all the Data Storage Virtual Machines in the selected Cluster.


3)       Volume to be moved: The name you would like to use for the volume

The drop-down list identifies the names of volumes belonging to the selected Storage Virtual Machine, along with the aggregate currently hosting the volume, the Total Size and Used Size of the volume, as well as the thin provisioning settings.

4)      Destination Aggregate: The aggregate within the Cluster where you would like to move the selected Volume

The drop-down list identifies the aggregates within the aggregate that have enough capacity to accommodate the movement of the volume. Additional information available is the size information and volume count for the aggregates. The list is sorted where the aggregates with the most available capacity are at the top of the list.


5)      Cutover Action: The action you would like to take for the Volume Move cutover

The drop-down list identifies the available cutover actions, which are abort_on_failure, defer_on_failure (default), force, and wait.

 Cutover action descriptions:

·         abort_on_failure: The job for volume move will try cutover till cutover attempts are exhausted and cleanup if it fails to cutover.

·         defer_on_failure: The job for volume move will try cutover till cutover attempts are exhausted and move into cutover_deferred state if it fails to cutover.

·         force: The volume move job will try cutover till cutover attempts are exhausted and force the cutover even if it disrupts the clients.

·         wait: The volume move job will not go into cutover automatically. Cutover needs to be triggered manually. 


Tiering Policy Details (optional):

The Tiering Policy Details determine the capacity tier of volume blocks. This is a new user input which is optional and by default the checkbox is unchecked. The default tiering policy is snapshot-only. If the checkbox is checked, the following options are displayed in the drop-down menu.


·         auto: Allows tiering of both the Snapshot copy and active file system user data to the capacity tier.

·         none: Volume blocks are not tiered to the capacity tier.

·         backup: On DP volumes, this policy allows all transferred user data blocks to start in the capacity tier.

·         Snapshot-only: Allows tiering of the volume Snapshot copies not associated with the active file system.


Encryption Details (optional):

The Encryption Details enables the encryption functionality while moving the volume.

1)       Select an option to Encrypt the Destination Volume: Allows volume encryption in the destination aggregate.

2)       Select an option to Generate the New Key for Destination…: Generates a new key for the destination volume.



The workflow will result in moving the selected volume to a different location within the specified ONTAP system. The workflow waits till the move operation is completed.

Error Handling

An error message is displayed if an unforeseen event occurs while waiting for the Volume Move to complete.