Expand an Infinite Volume without storage classes


This workflow will increase the size of an Infinite Volume does not use storage classes. If the Infinite Volume is in a data protection mirror relationship, the workflow expands both the primary and secondary Infinite Volumes. .

Input Parameters:        

§  Cluster* [Mandatory]: The Clustered ONTAP storage system that hosts the Infinite Volume without storage classes to be resized. Note that Infinite Volume feature is available from ONTAP 8.2.0 and above, so only those applicable clusters will be shortlisted and shown in the drop down list. This list would be a tabular query resource selection showing Cluster Name, Primary Address and  ONTAP version .




·         Storage Virtual Machine *[Mandatory]: Storage Virtual Machine hosting the Infinite Volume without storage classes to be resized. The drop-down will list the name of the Storage Virtual Machine associated with selected ONTAP cluster. The tabular query will result in displaying Storage Virtual Machine Name , Infinite Volume name , Infinite Volume Size (TB) and Space Guarantee settings on the selected primary cluster.

§  New Size (TB) *[Mandatory] : The new size of Infinite Volume without storage classes. Note that the Infinite Volume size can only be increased.


This workflow will expand the size of an Infinite Volume without storage classes. As part of the execution, the following actions will take place –

1.       Resizes the primary Infinite Volume. A check is done and an error is thrown to ensure that the size is not lesser than the older size as size of Infinite Volumes can only be increased. 

2.       If the Infinite Volume is in a data protection/disaster recovery relationship, the secondary Infinite Volume is also resized. (A check is done here too to ensure that the new size is set on the secondary volume only if its size is lesser than the new size. There is no error thrown in this case)