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3.27 Flash Pool and Flash Cache Analytics

Version : 5.0 5.0.1
This content is NetApp-Featured .
OCI Description
						This report shows performance results of NetApp Storage Node utilization %, Cache Hit % and Disk Reads Replaced.  On the lower half, each Flash Pool enabled aggregate is visible showing Average IOpS for FLASH (SSD) disks, disk utilization and peak disk utilization for FLASH disks.  Then on the bottom, the same metrics for Capacity disks e.g. SATA, FC, SAS, etc.  Collection time is 14 days hourly.
OCI Type
Whats changed
Compatible with OnCommand Insight Version 7.3.1 and 7.3.2

Requires Discover, Perform and Plan license modules

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  • OCI Version: 7.3.2

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Version History
Released on:19 Jul,2018
Released on:01 Mar,2018
Rating (0)

Don Bourque